Lake and Company is a socially conscious magazine, carefully curated with a give-back message that supports adventure, innovation, conservation, and community built around lake culture. It has multiple complementary brick-and-mortar retail locations in Colorado and Minnesota selling outdoor clothing and gear. Northwest SBDC was able to help two clients through its work with the company.
Early in 2023, founder Megan Kellin decided it was time to pare down the physical locations and devote more time to scaling the magazine. An exit strategy specialist with Northwest SBDC was there to offer support. Through a series of consulting sessions Megan learned how to understand the value of her business within each retail location. For the Steamboat Springs location, the end result was a successful sale to a new owner.
That new owner, Anna Sladek, had separately sought Northwest SBDC assistance with the goal of deciding if the purchase of an existing storefront was the right choice for her.
SBDC consulting sessions provided guidance on establishing the business under her ownership, as well as strategic planning and expansion. Additionally, Anna attended Startup to Scaleup, an intensive two-day event presented by the Northwest SBDC in partnership with CU Boulder and the Leeds School of Business.
She says, “The consultant from SBDC was invaluable to helping me understand whether or not this was a good business decision and a viable business to invest in. They also helped me refine my business plan so that I can really hone in on the aspects that will drive the business to success.”
The “new” company has recently undergone a rebranding to shift focus from lake culture to mountain life with the name Mountain and Company. Anna is currently updating the store by bringing in Colorado brands as well as creating partnerships with local guides to offer additional resources to customers.