In this series, consultant Robin Thompson will guide you through the process of starting a nonprofit organization. From deciding whether this is the best legal structure for your venture to legal considerations and fundraising challenges, these sessions build upon one another to increase your knowledge of the nonprofit world.
On-Demand Webinars

Meet the Presenter
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson has over two decades of experience in fundraising as Executive Director and Vice President for Development for several nonprofit organizations.
As a Vail, Colorado based fundraising consultant, trainer and coach, Robin works with large and small nonprofits throughout North America and internationally. She has a unique ability to share knowledge, concepts and best practices in a fun way with outstanding results.
Robin is the author of two books: Putting the Fun in FUNdraising: The Secrets to Raising More Money Faster and Easier as well as Know Stress to No Stress—A Guide to Achieving Life Balance.