
When Erwin Germain immigrated to Summit County from France, one of the culture shocks he observed was the high traffic on I-70. After two winter seasons he was determined to pursue an environmentally- and socially-conscious solution: carpooling.

In 2017 Erwin engaged Northwest Small Business Development Center to assist with strategic planning for an app platform connecting drivers and passengers: TreadShare. Over the next few years, he received support regarding entity formation, finding a co-founder, pitching, regulations, licensing, pricing, service agreements, creating the app, marketing, and more.

The innovative app aims to promote sustainability and fight climate change by allowing noncommercial drivers to share trips they were already planning on taking. The passengers simply share the cost of the ride, with a portion continuing to fund the app. Drivers reduce their trip costs, passengers receive needed transportation at an average of 60-70% less than an Uber or taxi, roads are less congested, and – from vehicle exhaust to energy consumption – the negative environmental effects of cars on the road are lessened. 

While TreadShare launched in 2019, the ride wasn’t over. In the midst of building the user base, receiving grants, and seeking further investment, the app and others like it elsewhere in the state were shut down as their efforts seemed to be ahead of laws on the books. A Summit County elected representative became an advocate for changes in the law specifically addressing the concept of carpooling. A new bipartisan effort passed in April 2021, and TreadShare relaunched later that year. Continuing its prior work, the company drove growth by developing business-to-business partnerships expanding the original vision to encompass workforce transportation support.

In 2024, Erwin worked with the SBDC for further assistance with applications to venture capital groups and a few business accelerators, and to refocus on funding. TreadShare’s business plan and pitch deck also needed updating, in addition to devising a marketing push. He’s hoping this year’s efforts will result in an almost $1M investment.

He says, “The SBDC was definitely helpful and I’m very happy with my experience now and when I first started. They identified my needs correctly and I was able to have advisors who understood my goals. Every time I speak with someone who is interested in starting their own business, I always recommend the SBDC.”

Grant Mader standing on a ledge, the photo was taken from a drone in flight
Mountain West Drone Services

The runway from small business idea to takeoff can sometimes be quite long. In the case of Mountain West Drone Services, based in Craig, there was nowhere to go but straight up. Owner and certified drone pilot Grant Mader realized there was a huge opportunity in Northwest Colorado to utilize modern drone technology in serving a variety of local industries.  He turned to Northwest SBDC in 2023 to assist with finalizing the business plan and

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Dog’s Next Best Friend

Dog’s Next Best Friend is an in-home pet care company. The owner, Liz Clawson, started running dogs in Michigan four years ago, looking for an early morning running buddy for safety purposes. When she moved out to Breckenridge, CO, in 2007, she continued offering dog walking, running, and pet-sitting services. Due to the increasing demand for in-home pet care in Summit County, Liz established an LLC and hired contract workers to fill in when she

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Dynamic Roots Herbals

Dynamic Roots began laying down roots in 2013 with the SBDC. Dynamic Roots was inspired by 3 very passionate Rocky Mountain herbalists with the goal to grow, teach and share handcrafted herbal remedies that truly work! We now have over 40 products ready for market, a healthy membership, a distributors wait list and impressive first 2 years of sales. The SBDC helped facilitate taking our creative excitement and manifesting it into a business to be

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Meier Skis

“The whole idea is to keep it as local as possible,” says Matt Cudmore who started Meier Skis in 2009. “We emphasize home-grown, local wood and a product coming right out of Glenwood Springs.” Matt, who had been making skateboards for several years, began making the skis using primarily Colorado-grown beetle kill pine, working in a one-car garage. As the story goes, he gave up searching for “the next perfect ski” and decided to build

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Brandon Duarte
StealthHunter Gear

Like that of many others, Brandon Duarte’s energy career in the coal-transitioning rural community of Craig will be coming to an end within the next few years. For Brandon, developing StealthHunter Gear seemed the best way to begin a new phase without leaving the rural Colorado home he loves. With 17 years of experience as a hunting guide in Northwest Colorado, he developed two innovative hunting products and initially sought Northwest SBDC assistance in 2022

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EcoPoint staff working in the field

Founded in Rifle in 2017, EcoPoint is a technologically advanced environmental firm specializing in geographic mapping and analysis for large- and small-scale projects. The company employs GIS specialists, botanists, soil scientists, and biologists to complete projects on behalf of a client base consisting of public land users like Oil and Gas, hard rock mines, renewable energy, and right of way in addition to private landholders. All of whom need to meet reporting requirements and restoration

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